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Class 6 - Metallic Material

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes.

Class Class Name
6 copper and brass fittings
6 copper fittings
6 copper ingots
6 copper ores
6 copper pipes
6 copper pipes and tubes
6 copper plates and sheets
6 copper powder
6 copper rings
6 copper rods and wires
6 copper solder ring fittings
6 copper strips
6 copper tube fittings
6 copper tubes
6 copper tubes [other than parts of machines]
6 copper, unwrought or semi-wrought
6 copper water pipes
6 copper wire, not insulated
6 copper wire rods
6 copper wires
6 copper-based alloy ingots
6 copper-based alloy pipes and tubes
6 copper-based alloy plates and sheets
6 copper-based alloy powder
6 copper-based alloy products
6 copper-based alloy rods and wires
6 copper-based alloy strips
6 cornices of metal
6 cotter pins of metal
6 coupling sleeves
6 couplings of metal for chains
6 cover and protection hood of metal for metallic pipes
6 crampons
6 crampons [climbing irons]
6 crampons of metal [cramps]
6 cramps of metal [crampons]
6 crash barriers of metal for roads
6 crucifixes of common metal, other than jewellery
6 crucifixes of common metal, other than jewelry
6 curtain walls of metal
6 cylinder escutcheons
6 cylinder lock inserts of metal
6 cylinder locks of metal
6 cylinders of metal
6 cylindrical locks of metal
6 devices for connecting metal tubes, pipes and flexible hoses to tanks and valves, all being wholly or principally made of common metals
6 dispensers (fixed) made of metal or mainly from stainless steel for washroom articles and liquids
6 dispensers for dog waste bags, fixed, of metal
6 displaying shelves made of metal
6 disposable packaging containers made of aluminium foil

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