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Trademark Classification Search

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Class 6 - Metallic Material

Common metals and their alloys, ores; metal materials for building and construction; transportable buildings of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware; metal containers for storage or transport; safes.

Class Class Name
6 common metals
6 common metals and their alloys
6 common metals and their alloys in the form of beams
6 common metals and their alloys in the form of foils
6 common metals and their alloys in the form of poles
6 common metals and their alloys in the form of profiles
6 common metals and their alloys in the form of rails
6 common metals and their alloys in the form of rods
6 common metals and their alloys in the form of sheets
6 common metals and their alloys in the form of strips
6 common metals and their alloys in the form of tubes
6 common metals and their alloys sold in foil and powder form
6 common metals, unwrought or semi-wrought
6 components of metal for modular fencing
6 compost containers of metal
6 compressed-gas cylinders [metal]
6 compression containers of metal
6 conduit tubes of metal
6 connecting components of steel for formwork elements
6 connectors and fittings of metal for hoses
6 connectors and fittings of metal for pipes
6 connectors and fittings of metal for tubes
6 connectors of metal for tubes and pipes
6 construction elements made from light metal and steel
6 construction elements made of metal
6 construction fittings of metal
6 construction materials of metal
6 containers and closures, all being made of metal
6 containers, caps and closures made wholly or partly of metal
6 containers made of metal
6 containers made wholly or principally of metal and for use in the storage or carriage of goods
6 containers of aluminium foil for packaging drink
6 containers of common metal
6 containers of metal
6 containers of metal for compressed gas
6 containers of metal for compressed gas and gas mixtures
6 containers of metal for compressed gas or liquid air
6 containers of metal for liquefied gases and gas mixtures
6 containers of metal for liquid fuel
6 containers of metal for lubricants, oils, greases, chemicals, compressed gases and liquid fuel
6 containers of metal for storage
6 containers of metal for storing acids
6 containers of metal for storing, transporting and dispensing liquids
6 containers of metal for transport
6 containers of metal [storage, transport]
6 containers of metal used for storage and transport
6 containers, trays and utensils made of metal
6 continuous bars of metal for supporting wall units
6 control valves of metal, for controlling fluids and gases
6 copper

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