CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 35 - Advertising & Sales

Advertising; business management, organization and administration; office functions.
Commonly used descriptions: accounting; administrative services for the relocation of businesses; advertising; arranging commercial exhibitions and trade fairs; auctioneering; auditing; business management; business management consultancy and advisory; convenience store retailing services; database management; employment agencies; import and export agencies services; mail ordering services; market analysis and research; merchandising; office functions; online retailing, wholesaling and distributorship; outsourcing (business assistance); personnel management advisory services; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes; promotion; public relations; purchasing goods and services on behalf of others; rental of office machines and apparatus; secretarial services; sponsorship search; window display arrangement services;
Class Class Name
35 hotel management and administration
35 hotel management consultancy
35 hotel management consulting services
35 hotel management, marketing and promotion services
35 hotel management services [for others]
35 human resource consulting services relating to equal employment practices, the labor market and international assignment of personnel
35 human resource management consultancy
35 human resources consultation services
35 human resources consulting services relating to equal employment practices, the labor market and international assignment of personnel
35 human resources management consultancy services
35 human resources placement services
35 human resources splanning
35 import agency services
35 import and export agency services
35 import and export agency services relating to industrial oils and greases, lubricants, dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions, fuels (including motor spirit), common metals and their alloys, zinc, coal, gas, non-ferriferous metals, vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, precious metals and their alloys, goods in precious metals or coated therewith, jewellery, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments, sugar and crude sugar
35 import and export agency services relating to fabrics and textiles
35 import and export of clothing, footwear and headgear
35 import and export of construction materials
35 import-export agencies relating to iron ore
35 import-export agency services
35 information, advisory and consultancy services in relation to business organisation, businesses, business management, acquisitions and mergers
35 information service relating to advertisement
35 information services in relation to advertising and promotion
35 information services in the field of business
35 information services relating to business
35 information services relating to business appraisals
35 information services relating to data processing
35 information services relating to employee relations
35 information services relating to opinion polls
35 information services relating to personnel recruitment
35 interim business management
35 internal and external auditing
35 internal auditing
35 Internet retailing services
35 Internet shopping services
35 inventory control and management
35 inventory management services
35 investigations of business matters
35 invoicing
35 issuing of publicity leaflets
35 issuing of trading stamps
35 layout services for advertising purposes
35 leasing and rental of advertising materials and/or space
35 leasing and rental of office machines
35 leasing and rental of typewriters, photocopying machines and word processors
35 leasing of advertising space
35 leasing of advertising space on buses
35 leasing of advertising space on railway properties
35 leasing of advertising space on television on behalf of others
35 leasing of billboards

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