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Class 31 - Feed & Seeds

Raw and unprocessed agricultural, aquacultural, horticultural and forestry products; raw and unprocessed grains and seeds; fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs; natural plants and flowers; bulbs, seedlings and seeds for planting; live animals; foodstuffs and beverages for animals; malt.

Class Class Name
31 rose buds
31 rose bushes
31 rose cultivars
31 rose cuttings
31 rose plants
31 rose roots
31 rose seedlings
31 rose seeds
31 rose shrubs
31 rose stems
31 roses petals
31 rough cork
31 rough wood
31 rye
31 salmon, live
31 salt for cattle
31 sanded paper [litter] for pets
31 saplings
31 sardines, live
31 sea-cucumbers, live
31 seaweed, unprocessed, for human or animal consumption
31 seed germ for botanical purposes
31 seedlings
31 seeds
31 seeds, all being health food other than for medical use; all being for animals
31 seeds for horticultural use
31 seeds for planting
31 seeds [grains]
31 sesame (unprocessed -)
31 shellfish for food [live]
31 shellfish, live
31 shrimp meal for animal feed
31 shrimps [live]
31 shrubs
31 silkworm eggs
31 silkworms
31 sod
31 soya beans, fresh
31 spinach, fresh
31 spiny lobsters, live
31 squashes, fresh
31 squid meal for animal feed
31 stall food for animals
31 straw [forage]
31 straw litter
31 straw mulch
31 strengthening animal forage
31 sugarcane
31 tea leaves, unprocessed
31 trees

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