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Class 26 - Button & Zipper

Lace, braid and embroidery, and haberdashery ribbons and bows; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers; hair decorations; false hair.

Class Class Name
26 false hair pieces
26 false hems
26 false moustaches
26 false ponytails
26 fancy goods [embroidery]
26 fasteners for bags
26 fasteners for bibs and aprons
26 fasteners for clothing
26 fasteners for footwear
26 fasteners for shoes
26 fasteners for use in connection with backpacks
26 fasteners for use in connection with camera bags
26 fasteners for use in connection with foul weather gear
26 fasteners for use in connection with luggage
26 fasteners for use in connection with sleeping bags
26 fasteners for use in connection with sporting goods
26 fasteners in hook and loop type
26 fastening devices for clothing
26 fastening tapes for clothing
26 fastenings for braces
26 fastenings for clothing
26 fastenings for footwear
26 fastenings for suspenders
26 feathers [clothing accessories]
26 festoons
26 festoons [embroidery]
26 footwear ornaments [not of precious metal]
26 fork needles
26 frills for clothing
26 frills [lacework]
26 fringes
26 glass elements embedded in plastic [decorative articles for clothing]
26 gold embroidery
26 grips for the hair
26 haberdashery
26 haberdashery bows
26 haberdashery [dressmakers' articles], except thread
26 haberdashery ribbons
26 hair bands
26 hair barrettes
26 hair bows
26 hair braids
26 hair buckles
26 hair buttons
26 hair clasps
26 hair clips
26 hair clips of precious stones
26 hair coloring caps
26 hair colouring caps
26 hair curlers, electric and non-electric, other than hand implements

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