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Class 14 - Jewelry & Watches

Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Class Class Name
14 precious and semi-precious stones
14 jewelry boxes
14 jewelry boxes of precious metal
14 jewelry cases of precious metal
14 jewelry chains
14 jewelry charms
14 jewelry findings
14 jewelry hatpins
14 jewelry made of semi-precious stones
14 jewelry of imitation gold
14 jewelry of yellow amber
14 jewelry rolls
14 jewels
14 karat gold
14 key chains [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]
14 key rings [split rings with trinket or decorative fob]
14 lapel pins [jewellery]
14 lapel pins of precious metal [jewellery]
14 LCD clocks
14 LCD watches
14 leather band watches
14 lockets [jewellery]
14 lockets [jewelry]
14 master clocks
14 measuring watches
14 mechanical alarm clocks
14 mechanical chronometric instruments
14 mechanical clocks
14 mechanical horological instruments
14 mechanical watches
14 mechanical watches with automatic winding
14 mechanical watches with manual winding
14 medallions [jewellery]
14 medallions of precious metal
14 medals
14 medals [jewellery]
14 misbaha [prayer beads]
14 movements for clocks
14 movements for clocks and watches
14 movements for watches
14 natural and artificial precious stones
14 natural or cultured pearls
14 natural or synthetic precious stones
14 necklaces [jewellery]
14 necklaces [jewellery]
14 necklaces [jewelry]
14 necklaces of imitation gold
14 necklaces of precious metal
14 non-electric clocks
14 non-electric watches

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