CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 44 - Medical & Gardening

Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry services.

Class Class Name
44 health care relating to herbal medicine
44 health care relating to relaxation therapy
44 health care relating to therapeutic massage
44 health care relating to traditional Chinese medicine
44 health care services in the field of dental care
44 health care services in the field of dental care via a global computer network
44 health care services in the field of disability care
44 health care services in the field of vision care
44 health care services provided via a global computer network
44 health care services relating to relaxation therapy
44 health center services
44 health centre services
44 health clinic services
44 health clinic services [medical]
44 health counseling
44 health counselling
44 health information services
44 health resort services (medical)
44 health screening
44 health screening services
44 health spa services
44 health spa services for the health and wellness of the body
44 health welfare services for animal and pet
44 healthcare and beauty care for human beings and animals
44 healthcare services
44 hearing aid services
44 heat therapy [medical]
44 herbalism
44 hiring of flowers
44 hiring of surgical apparatus, surgical appliances and surgical instruments
44 holistic psychotherapy
44 holistic treatment
44 home care and health care services for senior citizens
44 home-visit nursing care
44 horticulture
44 horticulture and forestry services
44 horticulture services
44 hospice services
44 hospital nursing home services
44 hospital services
44 hospital services
44 hospital services for animals
44 human tissue bank services
44 hydrotherapy bath services
44 hydrotherapy services
44 hygiene and beauty care services
44 hygiene, beauty and health care services
44 hygienic and beauty care for human beings
44 hygienic and beauty care for human beings involving the application of light treatment services
44 hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals

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