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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 44 - Medical & Gardening

Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry services.

Class Class Name
44 provision of medical facilities
44 provision of medical facilities at sporting events
44 provision of medical treatment
44 provision of online information relating to medicine
44 provision of outdoor hot spring baths
44 provision of pet care information through television programs, magazines, newsletters and the Internet
44 provision of public bath facilities
44 provision of sauna and steam bath facilities
44 provision of sauna facilities
44 provision of sauna, solarium and steam bath facilities
44 provision of sauna, solarium and sun tanning facilities
44 provision of sauna, steam bath facilities and public bath facilities for hygiene purposes
44 provision of solarium and sun tanning facilities
44 provision of solarium [sun tanning] facilities
44 provision of spa facilities
44 provision of spa, sauna, solarium and sun tanning facilities
44 provision of steam bath facilities
44 psychiatry services
44 public bath services
44 public bath services for hygiene purposes
44 public bathroom services
44 reflexology services
44 reflexology treatment
44 reforestation services
44 rehabilitation for substance abuse patients
44 rehabilitation services
44 relaxation therapy
44 relaxation therapy services
44 rental of animals for gardening purposes
44 rental of apparatus and equipment for beauty therapy and hairdressing
44 rental of beauty care equipment
44 rental of beauty care machines and instruments for barber shops and beauty salons
44 rental of beauty treatment apparatus and sauna apparatus
44 rental of beehives
44 rental of ear-piercing apparatus
44 rental of farming apparatus and equipment
44 rental of hair styling apparatus
44 rental of lawnmowers
44 rental of machines and apparatus for use in beauty salons or barber shops
44 rental of machines and equipment for applying light treatments to the body for removing hair, pigmentation, unsightly veins, acne and other blemishes from the skin
44 rental of machines and equipment for hair depilation
44 rental of medical machines and apparatus
44 rental of medical machines and equipment for providing medical, veterinary and hygiene services
44 rental of potted plants
44 rental of sanitary installations
44 rental of surgical robots
44 rental of wreathes
44 renting and leasing of apparatus for immune modulation therapy
44 renting and leasing of medical equipment
44 residential medical advisory services

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