CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 44 - Medical & Gardening

Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry services.

Class Class Name
44 pharmacy and drugstore services relating to preparation and dispensing of Chinese herbal, medical and pharmaceutical preparations
44 pharmacy services
44 photodynamic therapy services
44 physical examination
44 physical fitness testing services
44 physical therapy
44 physical therapy and physiotherapy
44 physical therapy clinic services
44 physical therapy services
44 physical therapy services provided through a network of physical therapy providers
44 physical therapy services relating to the treatment of sleep apnea
44 physicians' services
44 physiological therapy services
44 physiotherapy
44 physiotherapy clinic services
44 physiotherapy, massage and physical health treatment
44 physiotherapy services
44 planning and supervision of weight loss and/or weight gain programmes
44 planning and supervision of weight loss programmes
44 planning and supervision of weight reduction programmes
44 plant nursery services
44 planting of flora
44 planting of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs
44 plastic surgery
44 pre-employment medical checkup services
44 pregnancy testing
44 preparation of medical reports
44 preparation of prescriptions by pharmacists
44 preparation of psychological profiles for medical purposes
44 preparation of reports relating to health care
44 preparation of reports relating to medical examination of individuals
44 preparation of reports relating to medical examinations
44 preventive medical care in the form of immunization, physical examination and health consultation
44 private home nursing
44 professional consultancy relating to beauty and health care
44 professional consultancy relating to ear-piercing
44 professional consultancy relating to ear-piercing apparatus
44 professional consultancy relating to health
44 professional consultancy relating to hygiene, beauty care, body and face care
44 professional consultancy relating to the application and the use of surgical apparatus
44 professional consultancy services relating to agriculture and horticulture
44 prosthodontic services
44 providing advice on the grooming and hygiene of animals
44 providing agricultural information via a website on a global computer network
44 providing and updating of information relating to cosmetics, make-up, beauty care and beauty treatment
44 providing food nutrition consultation via a global computer network
44 providing health and medical information
44 providing health care information on pharmacy and over-the-counter drugs
44 providing health care information relating to menopause
44 providing health care information to individuals by means of a toll-free telephone number

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