CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 39 - Transport & Packaging

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class Class Name
39 goods packaging
39 ground support freight handling services provided at airports
39 ground traffic control for aircraft
39 guarded transport
39 guarded transport of money and valuables
39 guarded transport of valuables
39 guarded transportation of valuables and money by truck
39 handling of baggage
39 handling of cargo
39 handling of passenger baggages
39 handling [transport] of animals
39 handling [transport] of exhibition equipment, facilities and materials
39 handling [transport] of waste materials and/or products
39 hauling
39 heat distribution
39 heat supplying
39 heat supplying [distribution]
39 hire of horses
39 hire of vehicles
39 hire of warehouse storage space
39 holiday travel reservation services
39 horse rental
39 ice-breaking
39 import and export cargo handling services
39 information servcies relating to the packaging of waste
39 information services relating to cruises
39 information services relating to delivery
39 information services relating to energy transportation and distribution
39 information services relating to freight and cargo transportation
39 information services relating to storage
39 information services relating to the collection of waste
39 information services relating to the movement of cargo
39 information services relating to the storage of waste
39 information services relating to the transport of travellers
39 information services relating to the transport of waste
39 information services relating to tourism
39 information services relating to transportation
39 information services relating to transportation and travel provided on-line from a computer database
39 information services relating to travel
39 information services relating to travel, cruise and tourism services
39 information services relating to travelling
39 information services relating to warehousing
39 inspection of goods before transport
39 inspection of goods for transportation
39 inspection of goods for transportation and delivery of goods
39 international courier services
39 international freight forwarding
39 land freight
39 land transport
39 launching of satellites for others

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