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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 38 - Telecommunications

Telecommunications services.
Commonly used descriptions: communications by fiber [fibre] optic networks; computer aided transmission of messages and images; consultancy services relating to telecommunications; electronic bulletin board services [telecommunications services]; electronic mail services; facsimile transmission; information services relating to telecommunications; message delivery and sending services; mobile phone services; news agencies; paging services [radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication]; providing access to databases; providing internet chatrooms; providing online forums; providing telecommunication access to the Internet; providing user access to global computer networks; radio broadcasting; rental of facsimile apparatus; rental of telecommunication equipment; satellite transmission services; telecommunications services; teleconferencing services; telegram services; telephone services; television broadcasting; telex services; transmission of data and information by electronic means; transmission of digital files; videoconferencing services; voice mail services;
Class Class Name
38 providing telecommunications access to the Internet and communications, data and wireless network
38 providing telecommunications access to users to enable trading activities via the Internet
38 providing telecommunications connection to a global computer network by cellular telephones
38 providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network
38 providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network or the Internet
38 providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network via cellular telephones
38 providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network via computers
38 providing telecommunications connections to computer installations
38 providing telecommunications connections to computer networks
38 providing telecommunications connections to global computer networks
38 providing telecommunications connections to global computer networks and computer databases
38 providing telecommunications connections to the Internet
38 providing telephone communications via computer networks
38 providing temporary access to a computer database relating to music and sound
38 providing transmission services relating to video games, music and images via the Internet
38 providing user access to a global computer network
38 providing user access to a global computer network or the Internet
38 providing user access to a wireless global computer network
38 providing user access to an on-line chat room for the transmission of messages
38 providing user access to computer databases
38 providing user access to computer networks
38 providing user access to computer networks and computer databases
38 providing user access to global communications networks
38 providing user access to global computer networks
38 providing user access to the Internet
38 providing user access to wireless electronic communications networks
38 providing Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) communication services
38 providing wireless access to computer networks and the Internet
38 providing wireless telecommunication connections to electronic communications networks
38 providing wireless telecommunications via electronic communications networks
38 provision of access and links to a computer database
38 provision of access to the global computer networks, databases and websites
38 provision of access to the Internet
38 provision of broadband Internet access
38 provision of communication facilities for the interchange of data by electronic means
38 provision of communication links to wireless networks
38 provision of electronic communications facilities
38 provision of electronic mail and message facilities
38 provision of electronic mail and messages services
38 provision of information relating to telecommunication
38 provision of international direct dial telephone services
38 provision of multiple-user access to global computer networks
38 provision of multiple-user telecommunication access
38 provision of reports relating to telecommunications
38 provision of short messaging services
38 provision of telecommunication access and links to computer database and the Internet
38 provision of telecommunication access and links to the Internet and Intranet
38 provision of telecommunication access and links to the Intranets and the Internet
38 provision of telecommunication access for voice, fax and data communication
38 provision of telecommunication access to the Internet

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